Academic advising

At California College of ASU, you have a team of advisors and mentors ready to offer academic advice and support. This team includes the academic advisor, your program chair and the lead faculty member for your area of study.

Make an appointment and get to know them! They can help you clarify college policies and procedures, sort through your program requirements and understand, assess and improve your individual academic progress.

In particular, the academic advisor is available to help you design a course schedule that takes your degree program, personal interests and individual schedule needs into account.

If you’re a BFA student who chose an area of emphasis when you started your program, you can meet with the academic advisor anytime during or up to your sixth quarter to finalize your emphasis choice and plan a long-term course strategy toward graduation.

For immediate support, email or

Registration overview

Here’s how to check your schedule.

Registration instructions

Forms and instructions are included in the Course Offerings document.

To transfer sections

The form for this request is currently closed. Please email to change the sections of any courses that already appear on your schedule.

To change the number of classes on your schedule

Fill out the Add/Drop Credits form to increase or decrease the number of classes you have.

Note: Students are automatically dropped from or added to the class that least impacts their degree progress.

To choose your electives

Click on the Electives tab at the bottom of the Course Offerings document to find out which classes will count. Find the row that matches the name of the elective(s) you see on your schedule. Choose “Remote” or “Online” if you do not want to be on campus.

The form for this request is currently closed. Please email when you know the elective(s) you want.

To read about our courses

2023–24 Course Catalog

Academic advising

Sarah Kelley
Academic advisor

Kristina Mackey
Academic operations manager and student advisor
Title IX coordinator

Brianna Froelich
Registrar and student advisor