The Learning Resource Center on campus of California College of ASU supports the information and research needs of students, faculty and staff with print and electronic media focused on the college’s programs. The print, periodical, online and DVD collections help students extend their learning beyond the classroom context. Viewing stations are available for students to screen any of the college’s thousands of titles in the physical and digital collection.
The Learning Resource Center is furnished with individual, high-speed internet-equipped computer workstations providing access to online resources and commonly used software products. Wi-Fi enables students to access online resources on their laptops.
The Learning Resource Center also provides students with individual and collaborative study spaces for reading and completing homework projects, including the Production Conference room, where student groups may work collaboratively on projects.
Also found in the Learning Resource Center are California College of ASU’s special holdings and collections, including:
- More than 700 classical audio compact discs, a gift from The Grammy Foundation.
- Entertainment business training videos.
- Filmmaker’s Focus Collection.
- Writers Guild of America Great Writers Seminars.
- Hollywood Camera Work (2001 and 2009).
- Various filmmaking seminars.
- Entertainment Partners 2015–16 Paymaster.
- The Stanley Kubrick Archives by Alison Castle.
- Academy Awards short film and animation collections.
- Vittorio Storaro’s book trilogy and DVD, “Writing with Light.”
- 2,000+ slides of artworks from around the world.
- Resource books on film and TV industry contacts.
- The Chaplin Collection DVD set.
- 2014 Complete Television, Radio and Cable Industry Directory.